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in Legal Tips

Is It A Scam?

Now that tax season is officially over, and folks are breathing a sigh of relief, the scammers are really digging in.  IRS scams are everywhere, bilking people out of thousands of dollars and fraudulently obtaining their personal information. These days, you’re just as likely to get an email from a strange IP address, but traditionally,…

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in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Get It Done!

Okay, the New Year is closing in fast, so I wanted to pen a quick reminder about what HAS to be done before the 31st… Charitable donations. Individuals who itemize their deductions can receive a current-year tax deduction for cash donations.  In other cases, such as stock donations or gifts to foundations, they are still…

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in Legal Tips

Changing the Tune

Before the New Year gets here, I want to ask you to think about sharing some money truths with your family.  NOT the ones your parents told you, in most cases, but the ones that really are true.  You see, as a tax professional, I see the same old (bad) money habits being transferred from…

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in Legal Tips

The Bucket Strategy

As a tax professional, easily the most common type of question I get is related to either making more money or saving more money.  The two are nearly synonymous, but, of course, to save it, you have to make it.  Unfortunately, a lot of “makers” aren’t very good “savers.”  I want to share an “old…

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in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Preguntas más Frecuentes-Pagos de Impuestos Estimados

Esta es una pregunta común que nos hacen los contribuyentes: ¿Cómo puedo saber si tengo que presentar pagos trimestrales de impuestos individuales estimados? Respuesta: Por lo general, debe realizar pagos estimados de impuestos para el año fiscal en curso si se dan las dos circunstancias siguientes: 1.      Usted espera deber al menos 1.000 dólares en…

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